
Upcoming Events:

8/23 - Open Mic @ Franks Power Plant 10pm

8/31 - Choose Your Own Adventure Show "Pick Your Poison" @ Henry's (see flyer below for more details)

Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Taser Bill and Me, the Cop Lover

by Artie Nosrati

So I'm sitting on Facebook trying to set up the event spam for our show that all of you will be attending. That's not what this is about. No, the point is the source of the constant popping bubble noises. His Facebook name is "Taser Bill". It would seem he has a thing for tasers. Here is our (one sided) conversation:

kerik,gulliani,and bush updated torture
in iraq
abu ghraib was just the beginning
poor saddam never got to use 5.8 million volt stun guns
in wi. it is used as a sexual assault weapon by cops
why doesn't john walsh step in and stop his buddies
blue wall of silience
kcr plays the taser polka
are you there?
your not a cop lover are you>

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