
Upcoming Events:

8/23 - Open Mic @ Franks Power Plant 10pm

8/31 - Choose Your Own Adventure Show "Pick Your Poison" @ Henry's (see flyer below for more details)

Get your work in the bright lights

If you would like to submit something to put on the front page, here is a basic set of criteria to follow.

Fiction submissions:

  • We're looking for short works, 1-2 pages.
  • Make sure it's well edited, spell checked, and for god's sake let's get the punctuation right.
  • Topics are limitless, but we like subtle humor, edgy/experimental writing, and stories where things actually happen. We don't like stories about vampires, dragons, and the one story everyone writes in freshman writing class about taking a road trip out to the desert to do drugs and then nothing happens.
  • And make sure it's good, but only for the love of words, because we aren't paying you.
  • Once you have something that looks like we might take it, email it to with "fiction submission" in the subject line.

Poetry submissions:
  • As far as length goes, the concern isn't about word count, but about having to scroll down forever. Try to keep it to about 2 pages or shorter.
  • Cool fonts and layout work look awesome, and we wish we could make that work, but we can't. Keep it to a reasonably standard format.
  • The only real restriction for content is melodramatic poetry attempting to describe an intangible feeling of longing.
  • Sorry folks, no payment.
  • Send your package to with "poetry submission" for the subject.